VMware release a version 1.02 of the vCenter Orchestrator Plug-in for vCloud Director (1.0 or 1.01).
This is a maintenance release.
Quoting the release notes :
Version 1.0.2 of the vCloud Director plug-in improves the performance, addresses a number of issues, and includes the sample workflow package. To upgrade the plug-in, you must install version 1.0.2 on top of your existing installation.
It is recommended to update to this version since it corrects a problem happening when workflows waiting for a vCloud Director task are running concurrently and other issues.
Following their press-release and VMworld 2011 presentation Infoblox has now published a technical note which can help you to learn how the Infoblox VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-in alleviates the challenges of IP Address Management within rapidly expanding virtualized environments.
Quoting a part of the Tech Note:
The plug-in was developed for and is delivered with the VMware vCenter Orchestrator (vCO), which works in tandem with the VMware vCloud Director (vCD). The vCD provides automated IP addressing and related management capabilities in real time as virtual machines are created and destroyed.
vCenter Orchestrator 4.2 shipped with vCenter 5 including a vCenter 4.1 plug-in. While being usable with vCenter 5 it does not leverage the new functionality of vCenter 5. This has now being taken care of with the release of the vCenter 5 plug-in. Not only the plug-in exposes 100% of the vCenter 5 API it also provides a lot of additional workflows for networking and host configuration.
Some of these workflows include:
This SNMP plug-in allows vCenter Orchestrator to connect and receive information from Simple Network Management Protocol enabled systems.
In terms of capabilities the plug-ins allows to:
Register SNMP hosts, Add SNMP GET, GETNEXT and GETBULK queries to retrieve device from host MIBs (Management Information Base) using OIDs (Object Identifier): Running these workflows will add new items to the inventory.
Set policies to listen to trap events coming from SNMP hosts and to start remediation workflows
OK, so we told you about the great new plug-in that VMware has made available for vCO to work with AMQP, but now what? You'll need a couple things to get started before you can run off and code a bunch of cool workflows so let's step through this initial process...
Get and Install AMQP Server (RabbitMQ)
Configure Publisher (vCloud Director 1.5)
Configure Consumer (vCenter Orchestrator)
Apply Policy Template to create new Policy
How to create new Policy manually
Starting the Policy
Get and install an AMQP server.
Quoting the Infoblox press-release:
Today at VMworld® 2011, Infoblox Inc. announced it is delivering a fully integrated plug-in for the VMware vCloud® Orchestrator community. Working with VMware vCloud Director™, the integrated solution provides automated IP addressing and related management capabilities in real-time as virtual machines are created.
As a result, the Infoblox plug-in accelerates private and public cloud deployment, simplifies management and bridges network and virtual IT team silos by enabling automated assignment of IP addresses to virtual machines.
VMware released a software development kit allowing the creation of plug-in adapters for vCenter Orchestrator.
For the company having development resources it means that they can develop plug-ins for their private usage or for the 200.000+ vCenter customers. For end users this translates into the future availability of a lot more plug-ins.
Quoting the SDK page:
The VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-in SDK 4.2 is designed to jumpstart developers who are new to vCO plug-in development.
VMware just released another new vCenter Orchestrator plug-in. The AMQP plug-in.
Quoting part of the release notes:
The VMware vCenter Orchestrator AMQP plug-in allows organizations to automatically trigger workflows based on AMQP messages. Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is a highly-scalable publish and subscribe message protocol that is increasingly used in cloud architectures. It is the default messaging protocol for vCloud Director 1.5. With the AMQP plug-in, organizations can define policies that automatically trigger specific workflows based on certain AMQP messages.
Brian Knudtson (@bknudtson) talks about new VMware vCenter Orchestrator plug-ins and the vCenter Converter 5.0 beta.
Listen to the podcast here.
If you develop workflows chances are that the plug-ins documentation is a very valuable resource for you. The VMware documentation team has written a short questionnaire about what is helpful or not in the existing guides and what you would like to see covered further. Please take a few minutes to answer here.