VMware released the vCenter Orchestrator Plug-in SDK
VMware released a software development kit allowing the creation of plug-in adapters for vCenter Orchestrator.
For the company having development resources it means that they can develop plug-ins for their private usage or for the 200.000+ vCenter customers. For end users this translates into the future availability of a lot more plug-ins.
Quoting the SDK page:
The VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-in SDK 4.2 is designed to jumpstart developers who are new to vCO plug-in development. It consists of the following components:
- Eclipse add-on for vCO plug-in development
- vCO sample plug-ins
- vCO sample plug-in support services
- Installation and Configuration Guide
- Best Practice Guide
- Videos
Very good candidate for orchestration are applications offering:
- Java based API
- Web services (SOAP, REST)
Resources from the vCenter Orchestrator Plug-in SDK 4.2 communities:
- VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-in SDK 4.2 download page
- Installation and Configuration Guide
- Best Practices Guide
- Release Notes
Video: Installing & Configuring the SDK (4:30 min)
Video: Modifying & Installing Plug-ins (3:37 min)>