
How to update a Resource Element Script's Contents using curl

In a previous article, I taught you How to retrieve a script Resource from vRO via curl. That can be helpful to some people, but how about updating that script? Easy! Read on… This is a super short post since all the tough details were already outlined in the article linked above. So, assuming you already know the ID and name of the script you wish to update, all you need to do is run the following curl command:

How to retrieve a script Resource from vRO via curl

I recently spent time with a customer doing a vRO workshop with them. During the course of the workshop, I was asked how you could retrieve a script that had been stored as a resource element on a vRO server using curl. Well, I had never done that before so I set out to figure it out and was able to provide the solution before I left! Throughout this article, I will be using a vRA 7.