
How to use perl to start an Orchestrator Workflow

In a previous article, I taught you how to explore and use the REST API to start a Workflow using a generic browser based REST Client. In this article, I will provide a perl based example of running the “Create a Record” workflow that was created in Part 2 of my SQL Plug-in Dynamic Types Simple CMDB for vCAC article. I have barely more experience with perl than Python so this will be another very short article!

How to run a Perl Script from a vCenter Orchestrator Workflow

PERL Logo The goal of this tutorial is to create a simple workflow with a single string input that will be passed to a locally hosted Perl script for execution. The results of the script will be returned to vCO and stored in the workflow output. This could come in handy if you have existing systems that already have Perl based management scripts and you wish to incorporate their automation into your Orchestration policies.