VMware released vFabric Application Performance Manager featuring vCenter Orchestrator integration
vFabric Application Performance Manager is VMware solution for cloud applications performance monitoring and remediation.
This is a nice solution for monitoring throughput, latency, hit rate and error rates, it provides code level diagnostics and a nice user interface to fix problems quickly.The automation expert reading here certainly expect more and will be pleased to know it also offer built-in automation and policy-based alerting and remediation.
If you go on the product page features you can see that this is the kind of flexible remediation we want to see in such a product:
How is this integration implemented you may wonder ? A screenshot is worth a thousand words !
vCenter Orchestrator provides the most advanced, the most flexible VMware cloud orchestration and as such the most capapble remediation automation extension for vFabric Application Performance Manager !
For more information on vFabric Application Performance Manager please visit the product page.