Code snippets : Use vCenter Orchestrator API explorer to write your own custom getGuestCustomization workflow
The vCenter Orchestrator plug-ins are coming with a lot of built in workflows and action scripts. The first thing to do when looking for functionality is to browse the library or use the search filter to find these.
If you do not get exactly what you are looking for, there are chances that some of the existing workflows and actions will contain close enough examples. If you do not find any of these you can still use the API explorer to create your own.
Today there was a community post about getting VM Guest information using the vCloud Director plug-in for vCO. While I answered there I thought it would be helpful to publish it here. Here is how I do it:
For the sake of simplicity I am assuming starting with a vApp input in the workflow set as an input of a scriptable box.
First I need to get the VMs within this vApp.
In the API explorator look at the vApp methods & properties:
You can see there is vApp.getChildrenVms();
To avoid doing typos press ctrl espace after the "." : This will bring the completion window like this:
Now that you have got the VMs in the vApp you need to get their guestCustomization:
Once you have identified the right method to do it, you need to check VclGuestCustomizationSection to know what properties are available.
So if for example we need the Guest OS computer name we can use the computername property.
So to get guest information:
The methodology above applies to any vCenter Orchestrator plug-in.
to be re-usable, versionable this peace of code can be embedded in an action that would return an array of vm names (strings)